Logstash Puppet module 0.5.0 released

Today, we are happy to announce the release of our Logstash Puppet module version 0.5.0. You can download it and read the full changes list here:

What's New

Like we did in the Elasticsearch Puppet module, we've made a number of improvements, including a better test suite, and switching to Augeas for easier configuration.

We have worked hard to incorporate the package changes that were made in logstash 1.4.x, and now you can install the contrib package directly from the repository or other remote source. We have also made some minor improvements like fixing inline documentation and, with the help of the community, found and squashed some minor bugs.

We're always working to improve the quality and support of our Puppet offerings, and we hope you enjoy these latest enhancements. As always, you can give us your feedback or report problems on our GitHub issues page.