Elasticsearch Puppet Module 0.9.0 Released

I'm very happy to announce the latest release of our Elasticsearch Puppet module, version 0.9.0

Since its creation two years ago, the Elasticsearch Puppet module has grown to be one of the most widely used modules and was included in the inaugural class of Puppet Approved modules.

New Features

As with every release, we have a lot of new and exciting things in the module. One of these is support for hiera out of the box for defining instances and plugins.

We also added different custom facts to expose interesting information about the running Elasticsearch instances. These custom facts can be used together with other applications like Mcollective.

An example output of these custom facts:

elasticsearch_9200_cluster_name => logging elasticsearch_9200_mlockall => false elasticsearch_9200_name => es01 elasticsearch_9200_node_id => WSWFaIzaTLGUqxTKu4LO2A elasticsearch_9200_plugin_kopf_description => kopf - simple web administration tool for ElasticSearch elasticsearch_9200_plugin_kopf_jvm => false elasticsearch_9200_plugin_kopf_site => true elasticsearch_9200_plugin_kopf_url => /_plugin/kopf/ elasticsearch_9200_plugin_kopf_version => 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT elasticsearch_9200_plugin_marvel_description => Elasticsearch Management & Monitoring elasticsearch_9200_plugin_marvel_jvm => true elasticsearch_9200_plugin_marvel_site => true elasticsearch_9200_plugin_marvel_url => /_plugin/marvel/ elasticsearch_9200_plugin_marvel_version => 1.2.1 elasticsearch_9200_plugins => marvel,kopf elasticsearch_9200_version => 1.3.2 elasticsearch_ports => 9200


We added support for OpenSuse 13.x and enabled Puppet 3.7 testing. Along the way, we added several internal changes which will help improve the stability of the project. One of these changes is using the official puppetlabs-java module to manage the java installation. This replaces our custom class with a wonderfully, well-tested module from Puppet Labs.


Thanks to the feedback from both the community and customers, we fixed several bugs. It is worth mentioning few important fixes here:

  • Fix for ensuring that all files are owned by the right user. This bug caused issues when installing the recently released Shield plugin for Elasticsearch.
  • Fix for avoiding duplicate service resource names in puppet which could cause conflicts.


The Elasticsearch puppet module will continue to evolve in the future, with different needs and requirements. With this release, we are paving the road for future changes without breaking expectations for your environments.

In the next major release, we are planning on using Puppet 4. We are also working to extend support for different Operating systems such as SLES, Windows and many more.

As always, if you find any bugs or have questions, enhancements, please reach out to us on the Github Issues page, or on our Google Groups page.