
Elastic's mission is to enable organizations to put their data to work using the power of search.


ING's bold leap into the future: Building a global, cloud-based financial messaging system with Elastic

ING, a global banking giant, adopts Elastic to modernize its financial messaging system, ensuring compliance, speed, and future-proofing in a changing financial landscape.


Ecommerce marketplace Modalova doubles its revenue by improving search accuracy with Elastic

Gabriel Kaam, the founder of Modalova, implemented Elasticsearch to efficiently handle their vast inventory and deliver more personalized results to customers — resulting in increased conversion rates from 30% to 50% and doubling revenue in a year.


Fingerprint enables rapid regulatory compliance with Elastic

Fingerprint is a regulatory tech company which enables customers to achieve compliance, faster and with greater insight. Elasticsearch is a critical component of this formula, providing the capabilities upon which Fingerprint adds its secret sauce.


Building the future of laundry robotics with Elastic

Inwatec ApS is a robotics company revolutionizing industrial laundry automation with advanced software and smart machinery. Its equipment sorts items and prevents foreign objects from entering machines, utilizing Elastic to modernize log collection.


For universities looking to do more with less, start with your data

UK universities are taking on more and more priorities, but government per-student funding in the UK is near an all-time low. Learn how universities can strategically do more with less by examining a fundamental component of their operations: data.


Flightwatching helps carriers reduce CO2 emissions and save over $100K per aircraft per year, with Elastic

Flightwatching monitors data from 600+ aircrafts on its platform, requiring a solution for storing, searching, analyzing, and creating customer dashboards that have helped boost operational efficiency for its customers.


Tackling observability in financial services: Panel recap with Société Générale & Microsoft

AI and machine learning are hot topics across industries, but their value within financial services is still being recognized. Artificial intelligence can enable users to perform detections, improve forecasting, and make sense out of mounds of data.


NORBr leverages Elastic to keep payments on track and improve key business metrics

NORBr creates the perfect match between digital merchants and payment companies via a no-code routing engine to send transactions to the best-performing payment service providers with Elastic Search.


What the public sector can learn from CDM’s data strategy

Find out what public sector organizations, and even private sector companies, can learn from CDM’s centralized data strategy and its impact on detecting and remediating cyber threats.